The best way of starting a new business is to have researched heavily into whether there really is a need for the product or service you will be offering.
So many businesses have great ideas but because the market is already flooded with companies already offering the same thing they never really get off the ground.
If it's something that already has many offerings then you need a unique selling point - a good reason why people should use your company rather than all the others!
If you can offer something that the others don't offer or you can offer the same thing but better quality or you can give them the same product or service for less - then you stand a chance with your new startup business.
Once you have your unique selling point the work really begins in earnest.
So much depends on your stratup costs and these revolve around the kind of business you choose.
If you are selling products then you have to factor in the cost of creating them before the selling begins. Storage, warehouses, production lines - the costs
begin to build!
If, however, you are offering a service, then your costs may be minimal in the beginning.
There are a few grants available for startup businesses - try your local council - but they are far and few between. Many are in the form of loans and then the repayments will need to be factored in.
Finance can be the crucial factor in whether your startup business ever becomes established.